Two years later ….

I actually had forgotten all about this blog, with the changes in my life and my profession.  However, I have recently been thinking about how I would like to keep a chronicle/log/record of my journey towards PhD-hood.  Since I am on the extended learning plan (more than the expected 5-6 year from start to dissertation completion), then I thought it would be great to be able to look back and see how I have evolved.

I went to WordPress to start up a blog site & there was my “Living on the Steppes” site, patiently waiting for new input.  So … rather than create a whole new virtual place, I will just morph this one to reflect my current life.  Because, like I said in an earlier post, I still want to eventually go back to traveling and learning about new countries and cultures.



For those inquiring minds, what has happened since December 2013?  A whole damn lot, to say the least.  Chronologically speaking:

  • May-2014 – I got accepted into NMSU’s PhD program!
  • May-2014 – My son, Stephen, graduated from UNM with a degree in Architecture.
  • June-2014 – My mother ended up in the hospital again with pneumonia (so staying in NM was a good call).
  • July-2014 – I moved jobs within the NMSU Library from Technical Services (behind the scenes) to Reference & Research Services, specifically overseeing the Information Desk and the students who work as Reference Aides.
  • August-2014 – I started the PhD program AND moved into my own apartment, not far from my parent’s new downsized townhouse.
  • August-2014 – Stephen moved to Berlin, Germany in hopes of pursuing his passion for creating interactive computational experiences to enhance musical, theatrical and artistic events.
  • February-2015 – I went on a 7-day Bead Cruise to the West Indies with a fabulous group of very talented ladies.
  • July-2015 – My dad had unexpected open heart surgery in Houston, TX, and I was able to take the month off to go there to stay with my mother while he recovered.  So, again, being in NM is where I am supposed to be.

Six months later, Stephen is still in Berlin and will be starting a new job soon; my dad was just told he is recovering much better/sooner than expected and given a clean bill of health; and I have successfully completed 7 classes, which is about 1/3 of the way through my coursework before I start researching and writing my dissertation.


The focus of this blog is now changing and evolving to showcase my new interests, especially as a PhD student.  The areas I will be concentrating on are:

  • the nature of research, especially in today’s digital age
  • learning design and technology
  • critical digital pedagogy
  • creating community in higher education classrooms, specifically in virtual & hybrid environments
  • personal learning networks

This blog is mainly for me to document my voyage and record what I have learned along the way, but you are welcome to join me.  Until next time … (and not 2 years hence, I promise)!